🏦 Dive Money

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Hey there!

Today’s post is a sneak peek into what I want this newsletter to evolve into eventually. Not only do I want you to learn how to invest in startups, but I also connect you to real startups and founders to talk to.

I have been talking to the founder of a FinTech startup in India called Dive Money and sharing all my insights with you.

Here’s what to expect in today’s post:

Establishing the context

  1. Stock investing is gradually taking off in India, but Indian GenZ doesn’t know where and how to invest.

  2. Their parents’ generation has focused on fixed deposits (similar to CDs in the US) and considers any stock market investment as gambling.

  3. According to Statista, India boasts the world's largest millennial and Gen Z population, with over 600 million individuals aged 18-35.

  4. By 2031, the Indian middle class will make up a whopping 38% of the population. And by 2047, there will be over 1 billion middle-class Indians!

Indian Fintech is set to 2030 generate $190B in annual revenue by 2030

60 Second version

Why: Information overload, lack of time and patience for complex investment research, and absence of a platform to make easy-informed decisions have left a major gap for GenZ investing in India.

How: Dive empowers GenZ with personalized financial investment options to choose from using GenAI. “Spotify” for investments, as they say.

What: Based on each user's risk appetite, goals, and preferences, combined with real-time market data analyses and more, they curate an “investment playlist” for users to choose from.


  • Headquarters: Kerala, India

  • Core team: 6

  • Business Model: B2C Parter affiliate commission and 1% advisory fee. B2B employer subscription per employee per year.

  • Started: Early 2024

  • Traction: Transactions worth ₹800K/$10k from 700 customers. Early interest from 3 startups for B2B partnership.

Due Diligence

What’s cool?

  1. Market Opportunity: Fintech is ripe for growth, and there is a huge need for a platform with amazing UX that caters to non-seasoned and young investors in India.

  2. B2B Acquisition Strategy: Catering to both B2C and B2B customers while using B2B partnerships as a strategic channel to rapidly grow its user base.

  3. Innovative Technology and Approach: If their approach works, it will appeal to tech-savvy users who seek advanced solutions beyond conventional algorithms. Their app will appeal to their target young customers like Robinhood did for the US.

What’s risky?

  1. Market and Competitive Risks: The fintech sector is highly competitive, with established players like robo-advisors and ETFs. Dive Money must consistently demonstrate its unique value to attract and retain users against these alternatives.

  2. Regulatory and Compliance Risks: Operating in the financial sector involves complex regulations in India and the US. Any regulatory changes or compliance issues could impact Dive Money's operations and scalability.

  3. User Acquisition and Retention Risks: Scaling to meet engagement and download goals could be challenging. Maintaining high user satisfaction and preventing churn in a competitive market is crucial for sustained growth.

This is a goldmine vs minefield idea. If it works, it is going to be 100x. But it can be a minefield if the two key assumptions prove to be wrong in the larger market - AI for investment can truly work, GenZ indeed like the “spotify” for investment model compared to active trading, and their team can handle the legal challenges.

*Nothing in this content constitutes investment or legal advice. Readers should conduct their own research and consult with investment advisers before making investment decisions.

From our partners

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Exec Team Profile

Competitor Analysis

Deep Dive into Dive Money

Use the link below to directly access a detailed analysis on Dive Money and Q&A with the founding team.

Depending on your interest, we will invite you for a Zoom meeting with the founding team.

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It has been a pleasure! I will see you next week. Until then, Stay motivated! Stay strong! Cheers!


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